If you're ready to adopt, please click on the faces below to read detailed bios and select the dog you feel would be the ideal match for your family. Fill out our DOG ADOPTION APPLICATION then wait for one of our adoption counselors to get in touch with you by email (check your spam!). WCAL dogs are all spayed, vaccinated and microchipped prior to adoption.
Search for dogs by their Gender, Color, Behavior, Special Needs, Age, State, Litter or a mix of these.
Big, beautiful mastiff who bonds closely with her fave people & LOVES other dogs
1 Year Old
61 - 70 Pounds
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Wine Country Animal Lovers
is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. Your tax-deductible donations are always appreciated and allow us to help more animals in our community! As an all-volunteer rescue group with no paid staff, we have very low overhead and this means you can rest assured that almost every dollar goes straight to helping animals