Not all angels have wings... This one has whiskers and a tabby striped tail! Meet Angel, WCAL's newest kitten. She is a super lovey dovey kitten with a huge purr that can be heard from the next room! Angel suffered some sort of serious trauma as a little baby and as a result she has a broken pelvis and at least one fractured femoral head. Luckily she used her big healthy lungs to cry for help and a good Sam scooped her up, bottle fed her and helped her survive that experience. Angel will need a special surgery when she is a little bit bigger. One of her hind legs has no sensation at all and will need to be amputated so that it doesn't drag and get in her way. Her other hind leg isn't as functional as it could be, but surgery should help her move a bit better. Amazingly, this kitten is not slow and she can really zip around her foster home. She is able to navigate in and out of a low litter box most of the time and should only become more agile and pain free after surgery. Today she got the green light to be paired up with a healthy litter of similar age kittens who can keep her company and play with Angel. We feel strongly that young kittens should have the company of other friendly felines to help keep them company, learn important behaviors and develop their social skills. Angel has only been with WCAL a few short days and she has really charmed us. We are excited to help her get the surgery she needs to live a long, happy life. She will need to be INDOOR ONLY due to her limited mobility.