(Garden) Catnip

Hi! My Name Is (Garden) Catnip

We're happy to tell you that (Garden) Catnip has a new furever home.
Please visit our Available Cats Page to see the cats currently available.

We're pretty obsessed with Catnip and his cute round face ? He loves investigating and adventuring. He's got delightfully round features that make him look like a munchkin compared to his long, lean siblings. Catnip quickly earned the nickname "motorboat" because his motor is constantly set to PURR! When he realizes that he has wandered away from his brothers and sisters, he lets out a tiny kitty howl so they can find him. Cuddle master, wand toy enthusiast, neat and tidy litter box user, Catnip is a catch and he'd really like to be adopted with Flora or Bamboo! His litter is dog-friendly and cat curious. You really can't go wrong