We're happy to tell you that (HAPPY FEET) MISS VIOLA has a new furever home.
Please visit our Available Cats Page to see the cats currently available.
This is Miss Viola from the Happy Feet litter. She will sit in your lap for hours and just soak up the love and attention. Her litter is difficult to photograph because they run to you for attention the second they see you and want to be up close for cuddles. It’s hard to get a picture when they’re always right on top of you! Miss V (also know as Vivi around the house) is a beautiful little handful. Things she wants:
-both of your hands on her; one is not enough
-you to keep your chest clear so she can sit there
-you to move your phone out of the way: it’s blocking her access to you
-whatever food is in your hand
-the freedom to lick your face or your arms to help keep you clean
-you to play with her wand/string toy and keep her entertained
-to be picked up, carried, held
Basically, your business is her business and that’s that. This litter is good for households where people are often home to give the attention they crave. They love attention and would be happy to be some kids’ best friends. They are not for people who enjoy personal space, personal belongings, or being in charge at all.
This kitten is one of those extra special babies - the ones our volunteers have bottle-raised. Kittens raised by humans are extra comfortable around people and love attention. Since they didn't have the opportunity to be raised by a mama cat, they have zero street smarts and we are looking for a family who is committed to keeping them indoors only for life. Act fast if you'd like to have a WCAL bottle baby in your family.