A real stud muffin, his dark house panther coloring, and ability to blend into the shadows make him seem moody and dramatic even when he's playing kitten peek-a-boo! Malbec (black) and Merlot (tabby) are the most agile, lean, energetic and playful kittens from their litter! They have long tails that assist in their acrobatic movements. These two are talented at reaching the highest perches and Malbec even climbed a ladder in their foster home just to see what was up there. They both come galloping when called. Their foster mom has started clicker training them so they know there is a reward for a prompt recall. Loving and friendly, they will adapt with ease to most homes. If you're looking to welcome some fun-loving brothers to your family and want kittens that enjoy a soft lap when ready to settle down, ask for Malbec and Merlot!
These boys are neutered, vaccinated and microchipped. Healthy, happy and ready to go!