
Hi! My Name Is Yin

I'm Available

This is Yin. She doesn't like to eat alone and is hoping to adopt a nice human to fill her bowl and then standby while she munches! Seriously. Yin may be petite and somewhat demure, but she's not to be underestimated! This young kitty has the skills and the presence to herd you right into the kitchen when it's time for you to keep her company or enjoy a nice meal together. When she isn't crunching her kibbles, Yin makes a nice, cuddly couch companion, and she generally wants to be wherever you are. She likes other cats, too, and hangs out with her sister when all the people have to go to work. Yin is the braver sister, but Yang is making great strides and also loves attention from her foster family.

Yin and her sister Yang were found cold and wet in a ditch by a gardener and we weren't sure if they'd both pull through. They have both made a wonderful recovery and are now happy and healthy.  They got a lot of TLC from their foster family.  They are becoming more confident by the day, but aren't quite ready for a loud and rowdy home with young kids. Older teenagers would be AOK with these kitties. They both make friends easily with other cats in their foster home if you've already got a nice kitty who is ready for a new little sister. Otherwise, Yin & Yang would also make a beautiful pair!

  • Domestic Short Hair
  • Female
  • 11 Months OldMy DoB is 04/05/2024 (Estimated)
  • California
  • Black & White
  • Playful & Inquisitive
  • No
  • I Like Kids Over 10
  • I Like All Cats
  • I Like Select Dogs
  • House Cat
  • $ 100.00
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